
The ABBA Fund blog is a mix of stories and resources for adoptive families and those who are passionate about making a difference in the global orphan crisis. Read the bios of our team of bloggers/storytellers below.

Jason Kovacs

I am the Director of Ministry Development for The ABBA Fund and Co-Founder of Together for Adoption.  My wife and I have four adopted children and one biological child. We met while serving at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN where I first gained a deep passion for adoption and orphan care. Some of my responsibilities with The ABBA Fund include maintaining contact with ministries (churches, adoption agencies, businesses, foundations, individuals, etc.) and representing The ABBA Fund and LegacyChild at conferences, workshops and other meetings.

I also have the privilege of serving as the Pastor of Counseling at The Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, TX.

When not talking about adoption and orphans I enjoy spending time with my wife and family, photography, reading, music, and a good cup of coffee.

Amy King

I am from Salt Lake City, UT but currently serving as a fulltime intern for ABBA Fund and the Austin Stone Community Church focusing on Adoption & Orphancare. My dream is to go back to Utah and start an adoption & orphancare ministry there that changes the city and world for orphans.

I help with Church Adoption Fund coordination, administration, and video work.

Danielle Robinson

I serve as the Director of Administration for the ABBA Fund where I take care of everything behind the scenes. When you call the office I will be the one answering the phone most of the time. It is a joy to serve the many families and churches through this ministry. I also represent ABBA Fund at conferences around the country so I look forward to meeting many of you!

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Together for Adoption » Blog Archive » Do you hear it too?

  2. Jason-
    First off, let me just say that you have a great blog! My name is Lance Marcum and my wife Megan and I live in Illinois. We just had our first child, Hadley Marie Marcum on August 4 this past year.

    The Lord is really dealing with Megan and I about starting and/or getting involved in some type of adoption ministry. We aren’t really sure what that will look like, but are really looking to gain knowledge about the process of adoption and what it looks like to raise awareness within the local church of the need.

    We both desire to adopt in the future but feel that there is much more to it than that. God revealed to my wife several years ago that He was going to use her in a powerful way to reach children. As her husband, I want to encourage her in her dream and am coming to see that it may be mine as well! We believe He is wanting to use us to raise support and awareness for adoption.

    Anyways, I know that you are in the trenches and thought you could possibly direct us or help us in some way…We are just looking for information at this point. Anything you could lead us to would be great. My wife came across your website today. Thanks-
    Lance Marcum

  3. Pingback: 5 reasons the Church can’t ignore orphans « Riley Dad’s Weblog

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