Ugandan Adoption Journey Video

One of the exciting things about adopting from Uganda has been connecting with other families in the US, Canada, and around the world who are adopting from there as well. One of these families put together a great video of their journey. They are adopting from the same babies home that we did and so everytime I watch it I can’t help but think of our experience.

Watch it and pray for this family, and the many others. Most of all, prayer for the many, many babies waiting for a family in Uganda!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Friday Photo

DSC_1832This past week we had the joy of hosting our new friend Pastor Fred Sekyewa in our home. Pastor Fred is the Executive Director of Africa Renewal Ministries in Ggaba, Uganda. I love what they are doing in orphan care and church planting (and much more!).  In and through it all is a love for Jesus, His kingdom, and the local church making a difference in the world. Check out their website for more info. The above photo is when we first met in June at Ggaba Community Church. Little did we know that such a sweet friendship would emerge. You can pray for Fred as he is travelling in the States meeting with churches in Winston-Salem, NC, Minneapolis, Northern/Southern California, San Antonio, and Austin, TX.

Manry Family Adoption Testimony

I love hearing how God leads others to adopt. Here is a wonderful testimony from new friends we met in Uganda.

img_0053-2 Mark and I have had a heart for adoption since before we married. I can remember distinct conversations about the possibility of adopting regardless of whether we were able to have our own children. The vision of a blended family was desirable to us because of the spiritual significance of it reflecting the diverse family of God. We understand ourselves as the wild olive shoots Paul speaks of in Romans 11 that, by faith and through Jesus, have been grafted in among the other branches to be nourished by the rich root. We are thankful to God for extending such a generous and compassionate heart toward us. And we give him glory for our rich inheritance as his children. Adoption is part of God’s long history of redemption, a story that has become our story. As people created in his image, we not only rejoice in the ways we are already like him, but we strive to become increasingly shaped in his image. With this in mind, our family desires to imitate the way God loves…at least the best way we know how! One way we are doing this is by opening our hearts and home to those who don’t know the love of parents or the grace of God.