‘One Step at a Time’

One of my new favorite blogs is by a young couple working in Uganda with a ministry called Feed My Lambs. Their latest post gives a glimpse into how God is using their simple obedience and faith to do great things as His hands and feet –

As we go through day to day life here in Uganda the Lord reminds us to take one step at a time.  We are reminded daily to slow down so we are aware of when the Lord wants us to extend His love.  The home visits continue to bring joy as we walk from home to home. During each home we are faced with spiritual and physical needs that seem out of our control. Thank you Lord that Jesse and I are only your hands and feet and that you are the one in control!! 

We just so happened to come across a home that had about seven children and one of the children had been recently signed up with Feed His Lambs. The little boy was so full of life. When I first saw him I would have never imagined that he had recently been moved from a home that cursed him and his family from the village.
Nakaseke KidsOnce his parents died he was left all alone.  The mama he is now living with heard his story and took him into her motherly arms to care for him in her small hut with six other children.  The mama of the house seemed very physically and spiritually tired.  She explained to me her burden to take in the orphan boy and said, “I know the Lord has called me to care for this orphan but it is tough when I have my other children to care for as well.”  Terra & ChristineI became so overwhelmed with many different emotions and the only thing that came to my mind was to wrap my arms around her and the children and pray, pray, pray.

While walking home, Christine and I were speechless and amazed at how God was using that woman to spread love to all children. She not only strived to love her children but she also extended her love to orphans that were in need. I will always hold her story close to my heart as it reminds me to extend the love of Jesus even if it seems as though I have nothing else to offer.  As I have seen with this lady, God will always make a way as long as we are obedient to truly love those that cross our path.


‘I Will Go’ by Starfield

Here are the lyrics to Starfield’s ‘I Will Go’. I love these lyrics and I love what their lead singer says about the song –

“We’re so privileged, yet we’re so dissatisfied with our lives no matter how well we’re  doing,’ lead singer Tim Neufeld says. “There’s always this underlying pressure to be doing better, when the exact opposite should be the case. The pressure and call on our lives should be to live with less and give away more.”

I Will Go

Where are you going? 
To the desperate eyes and reaching hands 
To the suffering and the lean 
To the ones the world has cast aside 
Where you want me I will be 
I will go, I will go, I will go, Lord send me 
To the world, To the lost 
To the poor and hungry 
Take everything I am 
I’m clay within your hands 
I will go, I will go, send me 
Let me not be blind with privilege 
Give me eyes to see the pain 
Let the blessing You’ve poured out on me 
Not be spent on me in vain 
Let this life be used for change 
I wanna live for you 
Go where you lead me 
I wanna follow you