Helping Haiti’s Orphans

Along with so many of you I have been glued to the news and to twitter (as much possible in the midst of moving halfway across the country) for updates on the situation in Haiti. I take it as providential that I had so much time driving in the car as I was forced to pray more than I probably would have otherwise. It has been incredible to watch the response and the vast number of people who want to do something. To that end, I have had a number of people ask what they can do to help the orphans in particular. It has been said that the number of orphans in Haiti has tripled!

At this point, the rescue effort is critical as well as the well being of the most vulnerable. Here are a few things I believe we can do:

  1. Pray!
  2. Donate to reputable organizations working to care for orphans in Haiti.
  3. Work to pursue humanitarian parole for adoptive children. Use any contact you have with immigration, attorneys, press, or anyone who might have influence to get the story of these orphans and families out there and put pressure on the state department to intervene. These are the children who have been in the process of being adopted. The only standing in their way from their permanent family is paperwork. That can change now and must change. We personally know a number of families in this position. Here is one families story, description of the issue, and reasons why this is a needed and possible solution:


    We have been in the process of adopting our son for 2 ½ years and were nearing the final stages when the earthquake hit. I was in Haiti visiting when the earthquake happened and I had to be evacuated and leave our son there. The government buildings that were processing our adoption were demolished. Many government workers are feared dead. Orphans in Haiti are in grave danger, and yet have willing families in the US who can care for them. When we left our son, he and the other children from the orphanage were homeless, sleeping outside of a missionary’s house because of damage to the crèche and to the missionary’s home. They are at risk of looting and robbery. Everyone in Haiti is at risk of food and water shortages and air-born disease due to the current situation. The local caregivers are focused on their own families, so the orphanage is short-staffed. Supplies are running low. The situation is desperate.


    THE SOLUTION IS HUMANITARIAN PAROLE FOR ADOPTIVE CHILDREN. These children have willing families to care for them and can be brought to the US for care. While granting a humanitarian parole is outside the normal procedures, the United States government has granted them in the past (e.g. Cambodia and Romania).

    THIS IS NOT AN EXPEDITED ADOPTION. The adoption process is now completely incapacitated, but when it resumes the United States seeks to honor the adoption process established in Haiti. This is a humanitarian effort to care for these kids, and the adoption will be processed using the usual procedure at a later time.


    Humanitarian parole for adoptive children benefits everyone involved. The kids are moved to safety. There is no cost to the government because these children have families ready to care for them. This frees up the orphanages in Haiti to care for more children. It does not circumvent the already established adoption process. It is ethical and compassionate.

    Here are some people to contact:

    The Honorable Barbara Boxer
    United States Senate
    112 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20510-0505
    Twitter: @Barbara_Boxer

    The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
    United States Senate
    331 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20510-0504

    The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher
    United States House of Representatives
    2300 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-0546
    Voice: 714-960-6483
    FAX: 714-960-7806

    Clinton Foundation

    Raymond Joseph
    Haitian Ambassador to US
    p 202-332-4090
    f 202-745-7215

    Kenneth H Merten
    US Ambassador to Haiti
    Tabarre 41, Blvd 15 Octobre
    Port-au-Prince, Haiti
    P 509 22 29 8000
    F 509 22 29 8028

    Hilary Clinton/Dept of State
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520
    Main Switchboard:

    8 thoughts on “Helping Haiti’s Orphans

    1. Pingback: How to help the orphans in Haiti « Simple Freedom

    2. Thank you so much for this information! To be able to do something real and concrete for the children of Haiti is a blessing. I would also encourage those who read to contact their own Senators and Congressmen, as the ones listed above are Representatives of California. God Bless!

    3. Certainly some extremely worthy work being done here for those poor orphans. It’s just a shame that it takes the flattening of an entire city to spur compassion and service around the world. There are a great many organizations helping orphans at home and abroad year round with little support or media coverage. is one such organization that provides care to children orphaned by AIDS in southern Africa. If everyone gave a little or volunteered a little with organizations like this or those listed in the article above the impact on communities around the world would be unmeasurable.

    4. I am a 37 male citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, residing in Tobago. I work at the Scarborough Regional Hospital as a Rehabilitative Assistant in the Physiotherapy Department. I am married and have tw children of my own 1 girl age 9 and 1 boy aged 3. My family have decided to offer our home to orphans. Giving the person(s) an opportunity to have a better life.Could you give me the information how to do so and the chance to make this a reality. You can contact me via my email or via my cell phone contacts 1-868- 381-0905 or 1-868- 477-7461. Thanks in advance.

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